Hive Helsreach

Hive Helsreach
Battlegroup armageddon defends the lines against the withering ork assault!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Battlefleet Tempestus

I recently got into battlefleet gothic. I decided that an Imperial Navy Fleet would go well with my imperial guard, so I gave it a shot. Turns out I really liked it: the rules, the book, everything. Very well done, in my opinion, and a very enjoyable game.

As a result of this, I decided to go "all out" and buy my fleet and the rulebook. So, to start off, I have an appocalypse class battleship, an Emperor class battleship, 6 cruisers (gothic class), and 3 falchion escorts. Now, once again, I'm new to the game, so I'm gonna have to play a few games to get used to the system. So far, I have one other prospective opponent who will be playing Chaos, one who will be playing Eldar, and one who will be playing Tau. However, I will point out that I'm not too impressed with the Tau ships, but the They look like they can be murder, especially against my lance-toting Appocalypse class battleship. I hate holofields.

As a result of my "newbieness", I need some advice. If any of you who are reading this are admirals seeking to aid a fellow commander, please do so. General tactics, advanced tactics, or even fleet-specific tactics, are more than welcome. Please feel free to post here and help out.

-Ave Imperator,



Anonymous said...

I had a long post here ready to go, but of course, it got deleted.

No worries.

Greetings from Battlefleet Valhalla.

I would like to suggest you pay a visit to and check out our Specialist Games/BFG forum. There's a lot of experienced players there, and they have helped me refine my fleet list in a relatively short time.

Angelic Despot said...

Do a google search for 'BFG Tactics', by Adam Brown.
He goes through most of the Imperial and Chaos fleets, ship by ship (for some reason he misses out the Imperial battleships), and talks about torpedoes. It's a really interesting and helpful article.

Also have a look at
In the tactics, specialist games section there is some useful stuff.

Glad you like the game!

kilian said...

Thanks for the feedback all. My current stuff:

1 emperor class
1 apocalypse class
1 dictator class
2 tyrant class
3 lunar class
3 falcion escorts.

More feedback always welcome!